What’s New
at Halocarbon
Life Sciences
Peptide synthesis and solid-phase synthesis remain fundamental processes in the development of today’s most advanced pharmaceutical applications. For over 30 years, Halocarbon Life Sciences has been a leading supplier of BioGrade® Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA).
Halocarbon Life Sciences enables high-quality, GMP-grade, reliable peptide synthesis solutions at a commercially relevant scale. With innovative purification technologies, the fluorochemical experts at Halocarbon Life Sciences continue to support large-scale production of high-purity BioGrade® TFA for use in both laboratory-scale procedures and analysis to manufacturing-scale peptide synthesis and peptide purification.
Halocarbon Life Sciences
Brand Story
At Halocarbon Life Sciences we understand the benefits of fluorochemistry to Life Sciences, and work with our clients and partners to develop new technologies aimed at enabling greater control over the chemical stability, pharmacokinetics, and bioefficacy of biologically-active compounds. Our legacy of innovation in the Life Sciences began in the 1950s, when Halocarbon became one of the first US-based producers of fluorinated anesthesia, with the commercialization of Fluroxene in 1959 and Halothane in the early 1960s.
Throughout the years, Halocarbon Life Sciences scientists and engineers continued to research and develop new fluorochemical technologies and manufacturing processes to support and enable a broad range of Life Science applications – from finished drug products and fluorinated pharmaceutical building blocks to biotech and agrochemical intermediates. Today, Halocarbon Life Sciences is recognized as a world-class GMP supplier of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane, and as a trusted and reliable manufacturer of trifluoroacetic acid and trifluoroethanol for the agrochemical industry.
Explore our solutions
Halocarbon Life Sciences is a leading global producer of Sevoflurane and Isoflurane, providing finished inhalation anesthesia products to serve both human and animal healthcare needs, worldwide. In addition, Halocarbon Life Sciences provides high-purity fluorochemicals specifically designed for use as intermediates and building-blocks in the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and as process solvents in the synthesis of peptides and biopharmaceuticals.